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117  directory-icon-2
QA Test
Just a QA Test
12  directory-icon-2
September Board Docs
55  directory-icon-2
here is the description 
A113  directory-icon-2
academics  directory-icon-2
Learning Resources for Teachers
another description
Bd. Agenda  directory-icon-2
Board Meeting Agendas
This is where public can access board agendas
BidDocs  directory-icon-2
District Bid Documents
District Bid Documents - anything and everything related to current bid opportunities.
Board Mins  directory-icon-2
Board Minutes
This is for public consumption
Folder 1  directory-icon-2
Board Meeting Agendas 2016
hr  directory-icon-2
Human Resources
description of this category
policies  directory-icon-2
Policies  directory-icon-2
School Policies

SCHLBRD  directory-icon-2
Board Meeting Minutes
text here
xyz  directory-icon-2
Board Minutes
Read all about our super exciting board meetings
Yearbooks  directory-icon-2
Yearbooks Files
abc  html-icon-2
april 7 doc (4/7/2017)
what dates does it look for
Edgar test  file-icon-2
Edgar file (1/22/2025)
HR123  file-icon-2
Pizza Rules (3/1/2017)
Once must eat pizza with the right hand and with the pinky extended outward so as to not touch said pizza
HR123  html-icon-2
supplies list (6/28/2017)
HR123  file-icon-2
supplies list (6/28/2017)
HR123  file-icon-2
supplies list (3/1/2017)
HR999  html-icon-2
This has entered text as the document (3/1/2017)
this is the summary
stuff  html-icon-2
stuff (8/28/2019)
Tessssst  file-icon-2
Tessst (4/10/2018)
TEST  html-icon-2
TEST (9/4/2019)
TEsT  file-icon-2
test (9/4/2019)
test  file-icon-2
test (3/14/2025)
Test Item  file-icon-2
This is a test item (9/16/2019)