QA Test
Just a QA Test
September Board Docs
here is the description
Learning Resources for Teachers
another description
Board Meeting Agendas
This is where public can access board agendas
District Bid Documents
District Bid Documents - anything and everything related to current bid opportunities.
Board Minutes
This is for public consumption
Board Meeting Agendas 2016
Human Resources
description of this category
School Policies
Board Meeting Minutes
text here
Board Minutes
Read all about our super exciting board meetings
Yearbooks Files
april 7 doc (4/7/2017)
what dates does it look for
Edgar file (1/22/2025)
Pizza Rules (3/1/2017)
Once must eat pizza with the right hand and with the pinky extended outward so as to not touch said pizza
supplies list (6/28/2017)
supplies list (6/28/2017)
supplies list (3/1/2017)
This has entered text as the document (3/1/2017)
this is the summary
stuff (8/28/2019)
Tessst (4/10/2018)
TEST (9/4/2019)
test (9/4/2019)
test (3/14/2025)
This is a test item (9/16/2019)